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Sawyer "Sookie"


Sawyer "Sookie"

Sawyer "Sookie" Garnsey is 13 years old and lives with her family in Ojai California. Sawyer was diagnosed with cancer, Ewing's Sarcoma, in October of 2020. Sawyer, or Sookie as many call her, is our beautiful ray of sunshine and we appreciate your outpouring of love & support and words of hope & encouragement. These life changing moments bring us together and remind us of the simple things in life - love & health. Sawyer's family and friends have a place to stay up to date on her unexpected journey through the caring Bridge Site. The Garnsey family is now focused on overcoming each day and getting safely to the finish line with the love and support of all of you!

We received news that Sawyer developed bone & soft tissue cancer in October of 2020 (officially diagnosed as Ewing's Sarcoma, a fairly rare form of bone cancer that develops in adolescents). Within days of the news that a 10 centimeter tumor was discovered on her pelvis, Sawyer began treatment at the UCLA Medical Center and started the initial phase of what is to be a 10-month endeavor of chemotherapy (with radiation and surgery to come).
On the bright side - Sawyer has been (and continues to be) so positive about everything! When the oncologist relayed the news of her diagnosis she replied with "my dad beat cancer and I will too!" She is a strong and admirable girl that will fight this battle with all her might, with her friends and family right there with her (although primarily virtually due to her weakened immune system - thank goodness for FaceTime video calls)!

Joined 1/18/2021

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